Subject: X :(
To: None <>
From: Jeff <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/22/2000 15:30:33
In spite of the fact that OF 2.01 doesn't support my Performa's
Valkyrie video and I have to use a serial console (my laptop), NetBSD
for power-pc is definitely the sharpest OS I've used (of all the
other *nix variants).
But, the X documentation is way messed up, or I'm missing something.
First off, I read everything. There is supposed to be an example
XF86conf file somewhere. But I can't find it--it's not where it's
supposed to be and searching for it for hours and hours yields
nothing. (I did a complete install, btw, of 1.4.2).
Then I figured I'd try the Setup app to configure X. And I see a
directory: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Setup, and this contains 'pics' and
'scripts' which seem to be two empty directories. I also searched
for the other configurator but it's nowhere to be found either.
So, do it manually, I thought. But there is nothing in the 'docs'
directory for X.
Can someone running X please tell me where to start with this? I
tried _every_ single step in the NetBSD English guide, I was unable
to find the docs that the Install notes suggest (is the pathname
accurate in those post-install instructions?) I tried everything in
the FAQ's for X. I scoured the lists for hints.
When I try to simply use xinit or startx I get errors telling me it
can't find the kbd/mouse and then I get errono 2 and 3. Which I'm
guessing is because is just not configured (there is no file in /etc
for the xf86conf).
Please help me with this. I don't need an hand-holding, but even a
clue as to _whether_ the configurators exist for this platform, or if
I have to install them separately (but I couldn't find them in
/usr/pkgsrc/x11), or if there's really an example configuration file
hiding somewhere...anything. Something.
Desparate, and hopefully soon-to-be grateful,