Subject: Re: X :(
To: Jeff <>
From: Gregory Smith <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/22/2000 21:09:54
--On Sunday, October 22, 2000 8:50 PM -0400 Michael Wolfson
<> wrote:
> At 3:30 PM -0500 10/22/00, Jeff wrote:
> :)In spite of the fact that OF 2.01 doesn't support my Performa's
> :)Valkyrie video and I have to use a serial console (my laptop), NetBSD
> :)for power-pc is definitely the sharpest OS I've used (of all the
> :)other *nix variants).
> Cool! Glad to hear it.
> :)But, the X documentation is way messed up, or I'm missing something.
> You're missing a screen and keyboard/mouse. The X server runs on the
> machine that will be displaying the graphics. Since your machine doesn't
> support graphics (i.e. you have to use a serial console), then you can't
> run the X server, and it wouldn't do you any good if you could because
> your machine doesn't support the screen.
> What you really want is a X server for your laptop so you can run X
> *clients* (such as gnome and xterms) from your macppc machine (yes, I
> know, the terminology is reversed). There is a free X server for MacOS
> (M/IX, I think it's called), but I don't know how good it is. I've used
> eXodus for MacOS (commercial software) and it works very well.
> Good luck,
> -- MW
VNC ( ) is in the package collection,
and IMO works better than remote X hosting. Everything, including the
client, is free.