Subject: Re: imlib dies - virtual memory exhausted?
To: charlie allom <>
From: Simon Burge <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/26/2000 05:55:33
charlie allom wrote:
> imlib is giving me hassles. from the latest pkgsrc tree, imlib gives
> me the same error (and dies) on my macppc box as it did a year ago on
> my mac68k box.
> testimg.c:16035: virtual memory exhausted
> then it dies quite cleanly ;)
Providing it's not some compiler bug or something similarily nasty, try
bumping up the per-process memory limits. It's "unlimit" in *csh - look
in the man page for (I think) ulimit if you're a sh user. Then try the
make again.
Simon Burge <>
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