Subject: Re: Please proofread: revised install docs for OF 2.0.x
To: None <,>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/26/2000 14:26:24
It's really nice to see someone trying to organize all this
information. Many mucho thanks!!!!!!!
What follows are nits. As Bob Nestor says we need to have a simple
set of instructions that will *work* before we can start exploring
all the special cases.
At 10:57 PM -0400 10/25/00, Michael Wolfson wrote:
>Can you boot from a hybrid ISO/HFS CD-ROM (again, OF 1.0.5 can't)?
I wouldn't be too sure this is true. I know you can boot from a
plain ISO CD-ROM with some caveats like type the filename in caps and
I would suspect that you can boot from hybrid CD-ROM's if you just
can figure out exactly what magic bits to set where. Since we don't
know what those bits are and since neither mkhybrid nor Toast set
them properly we can't claim we support that capability if it does
exist. The fact that you can boot from a MacOS OS CD proves that ISO
is not the only CD-ROM option on these machines.
> If System Disk doesn't work because your version of MacOS is too old
> or because System Disk says that it doesn't support your model, then
> you may try using the BootVars tool.
> utils/bootvars/bootvars.sit.hqx
> Note: BootVars does not apply the (possibly critical) NVRAM patches
> that System Disk does. Expect devices to not work.
My own experience is that the machine was fine without System Disk
and wouldn't boot properly after I ran it. I used ResEdit to hack up
a version deleting most of the NVRAM patches, but including both of
the NetBSD-documented ones (video settling time and the wboot
wait-for-disk one), and I'm happy. IMHO BootVars is the way to go
until you know what your machine wants/needs.
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