Subject: Re: Please proofread: revised install docs for OF 2.0.x
To: David Brownlee <>
From: Bob Nestor <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/27/2000 06:44:06
David Brownlee wrote:
>On Thu, 26 Oct 2000, Bob Nestor wrote:
>> I had the same experience with System Disk that Henry describes. After
>> that I'm kind of leary about using it again since I have no idea what it
>> will modify. I'd feel much more comfortable dealing with a set of
>> instructions that tell me how to get into OF and set variables by hand
>> and why I'm doing it. That way I can keep a record of what they were
>> before I changed them and have some hope of getting my system back if
>> things don't work out.
> Would it make sense to provide a modified version of System Disk
> that just makes the NetBSD required changes?
This makes sense, but System DIsk is an Apple product that is delivered
in executable form. I don't know if they've distributed the source or if
they'd allow modified forms to be distributed.