Subject: Re: 8500/G3 internal HD boot failure
To: Allen Briggs <>
From: Michael Wolfson <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/31/2000 11:31:18
At 10:33 AM -0500 10/31/00, Allen Briggs wrote:
:)OK. This should probably be in the FAQ...
Actually, there is a fix that will be (has been?) committed which fixes
this. Last week Monroe Williams kept compiling kernels till he found out
which day this was broken, and what it was (a G3 sleep issue).
:)As far as I can tell, the OF drivers for the internal SCSI bus
:)(MESH) do not work with my G3 card installed. The drivers for the
:)external SCSI bus (53c94) do work, however.
Odd, even with a 604, I couldn't get my NCR bus to work.
-- MW