Subject: Re: How stable is NetBSD on the PPC (specifically G4)?
To: Henry B. Hotz <>
From: David A. Gatwood <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/01/2000 11:02:25
On Wed, 1 Nov 2000, Henry B. Hotz wrote:
> At 8:42 AM -0500 11/1/00, Michael Jessop wrote:
> >I progressed from OS/2 to RedHat Linux and BeOS on my PII, to FreeBSD. I am
> >now running YDL on my Mac and am wondering about NetBSD.
> What's YDL?
Yellow Dog Linux.
> I was not able to get ssh 1...30 to work, but the pkgsrc version at
> 1...27 works fine.
Why not just use OpenSSH? It does ssh1 and ssh2 in the same program.
Anyway, haven't tried it on BSD yet, but I'd like to hear people's
comments. I'm running it on most of my Linux boxes, and I might just try
it on -mac68k on our ftp server one of these days. Any problem reports?
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