Subject: Re: really slow upload to wallstreet powerbook
To: charlie allom <>
From: Charles M. Hannum <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/23/2000 17:07:46
charlie allom wrote:
> i have a strange thing happening here, and just wondering if any
> owners of wallstreet powerbooks notice the same thing .. (i know
> you're out there!)
> on my LAN, when i leech from the wallstreet to a machine inside,
> i can get speeds that flood my 10Base link.
> now .. when i upload -to- the box, either thru ftp or
> afp-over-tcp i cannot break 35KB/sec ..
Does that machine have a gmac (gm0) Ethernet device? I send-pred a
problem about its queues getting corrupted, which causes strange
performance problems. Try `ping' and see if you get consistent RTTs.