Subject: Re: sane and scsi question
To: jeff <>
From: Thomas Klausner <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/27/2000 20:04:36
> I'm trying to get sane running on a laptop connected via scsi to a umax
> astra 1200s scanner. I'm using 1.5B.
> According to dmesg | more, my scanner is recognized:
> ss0 at scsibus 0 target 5 lun 0:<umax, astra 1200s, v2.9> SCSI6/scanner
> fixed
> But when I try:
> scanimage -V
> or, scanimage --list-devices
> I get absolutely no output. No devices are found.
My setup (on i386, but it should be sufficiently the same):
o Comment out the 'ss* at scsibus? target ? lun ? # SCSI
scanners' line in your kernel config -- I was told there were some
issues with it, and uk* is a better match; recompile, install
kernel and reboot -- check for the lines:
uk0 at scsibus1 target 6 lun 0: <, Scanner, 1.80> SCSI4 6/scanner fixed
uk0: unknown device
o Change the permissions of /dev/uk0 (or whatever your scanner gets
attached as) so that the user who does the scanning has read and write
permissions (one way to do it would be creating a group 'scanner',
giving /dev/uk0 to it and making it group writeable).
o make a symbolic link from /dev/uk0 to /dev/scanner -- that's where
sane and friends go looking first.
Another note: If you turn on the scanner after booting, you can get it
recognized by running
scsictl /dev/scsibus0 scan any any
as root (replace scsibus0 by the bus your scanner is hanging on, if
you have more than one scsi controller card in your computer). Removal
doesn't work, though.
Hope this helps,
Thomas Klausner -
I think...I think it's in my basement. Let me go upstairs and check.
-- M.C. Escher (1898-1972)