Subject: Re: How does a snapshot relate to releases?
To: None <,>
From: Ben Harris <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/06/2001 23:17:02
In article <v03130300b6a603d5abfb@[]> you write:
>I have now had the extraordinary pleasure of installing NetBSD-1.5K on my iMac.
>This is from the /pub/NetBSD/arch/macppc/snapshot/20001125/ directory.
>However, I am wondering which track this is from: is it -current (going to
>be 1.6 one day?) or is it the 1.5.1 track, or what?
1.5K is part of -current, and will eventually become 1.6.
See <URL:> for the details of
how (some of) the version numbering works.
Ben Harris <>
Portmaster, NetBSD/arm26 <URL:>