Subject: Re: X-4.0.1 binary available for NetBSD-1.5/macppc
To: None <>
From: Lasse =?iso-8859-1?Q?Hiller=F8e?= Petersen <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/09/2001 23:20:25
>Shar and enjoy, as they say.
*sigh* :-)
I had installed the X binary set from snapshot-20001125, and got it working
when launching xinit as root, but not as an ordinary user. I saw this, and
eagerly proceeded to grab and install it (after removing the old /usr/X11R6
first). Now xinit complains about a bad call or something involving ukbd0;
also it can't find a screen. I guess I'm incompetent when it comes to
writing/modifying XF86Config files. (At least my clueless random tinkering
has worked so far on i386.)
Does somebody have a working XF86Config for an iMac DV? Suggestions on how
to get wskbd1 to match my Danish keyboard would also be extremely nice.