Subject: Re: PowerMac 4400 powerup?
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Martin Husemann <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/10/2001 15:38:34
> (1) Is there anything analogous to Cmd-Option-O-F for serial console?
> That is, if I have auto-boot? set true, is there any way to intervene
> at reset time to drop into OF instead?
I supposed sending a BREAK would do that (but actually never came around
to build a serial cable for my 4400.
> (2) Is there any way to make it power up upon mains power returning, if
> it was powered on when mains power failed? (I hate soft power.)
Yes, it can be programmed into the power controller. Unfortunately, I think
you need to boot MacOS to do this. Someone (tm) should change this!