, <port-macppc@netbsd.org>
From: Chris Tribo <ctribo@del.net>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/02/2001 21:14:41
on 3/2/01 8:32 PM, Josh Kuperman at josh@saratoga.lib.ny.us wrote something
> I burned a copy of the macppc iso image. I have previously tried to
> deal with various Linuxes on this Mac and plan to use the space that
> the was previously used by Linux.
Hmm that's probably not a 1.5iso, but I dunno which or where you got it
from, not that that really matters at this point.
> I couldn't get to the Open Firmware. I just wind up restarting my
> mac. I have a third party video card and I'm wondering if that is what
> is stopping me. I could plug the monitor into the other Mac
> video. Right now I'm using an ATI card in one PCI slot and ethernet in
> the other. I downloaded System Disk 2.3.1 Of105 patch and ran it. It
> seems to have worked, but nothing really happens.
Did you check the model support web page and see if you have to change
input-device and output-device on your particular model? What type of ATI
card is it? You probably *do* need to change the output-device setting to
your ATI card manually with that version of OFW. There's an application,
who's name I'm at a loss for, that you can use to snoop the OFW device tree
and see what name you need to put in for output-device. I think it's pcidevs
or something. The string you're looking for is something along the lines of
/pci/ATY,XCLAIMVR_Pro@D or simply shortened to /pci/@D where the D would be
the slot letter of the PCI slot it's installed in.
> When I run it is starts with a message that says something about my
> machine not being supported. I blithely ignoreit and go on and try to
> put in the right values to boot off of my CD and start the
> installation.
That's normal. What it's telling you is that the motherboard is not
supported for OS X, which it isn't.
> 1. Do I need to move my monitor to the orignal video out that came
> with it to use Open Firmware?
No, but that would be easier. You could do that, read the device tree
with dev / ls and put your video card's path into output-device, reset-all
and then switch to the add-in video card and have OFW come up there instead.
> 2. What values should I put in to start the install from the CD and
> then to boot into NetBSD in the future?
Depends on the machine type, and OFW version. Should be something like
boot cd/@0:0 If you're in OFW, type devalias and see if it's listed.
Atlantis: {13} fortune
Oh, I am a C programmer and I'm okay
I muck with indices and structs all day
And when it works, I shout hoo-ray
Oh, I am a C programmer and I'm okay