Subject: Re: Open Firmware problem on Performa 6400/180
To: Steven Wilkinson <>
From: Tyler Mitchell <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/10/2001 12:53:31
On Sat, 10 Mar 2001, Steven Wilkinson wrote:
> I'm trying to boot the installer from a floppy disk and have been pretty
> unsuccessful at getting the open Firmware to start. I hit Command,option,O,F
> at the chime and I get the Black screen problem mentioned (ever so briefly)
> in the install file.
> Here's where I get lost, what am I supposed to do to make this work?
Well, because System Disk won't work on a Performa 6400 (IIRC), you need
to grab a program called Boot Variables, so that you can reset some Open
Firmware defaults to some more reasonable settings. Get it here:
Ideally, you could set input-device to "kbd" and output-device to "screen"
but that doesn't work. The default is somewhat useless; it's set to the
modem port "ttya" which happens to be plugged by a piece of plastic on my
Performa 6400. Instead, set both input-device and output-device to "ttyb"
which is your printer port.
> I don't completely understand the install file's solution,
> do they mean that you have too hook up some rare device to the serial
> port to keep it from booting? that seems a little ridiculous.
You don't need any "rare device" -- just something that can do serial
communication, like another computer or terminal. I use an old Mac SE
with ClarisWorks' communication software and a standard Mac printer cable,
which works great. You could also use a PC if you have the right kind of
converter cable -- minicom, ckermit, cu, tip, or even (heh) HyperTerminal
will probably work fine, provided that the cable is right. You can even
use a real terminal if you want. Set your communications to 38400/8/N/1
and you're ready to go. I set my flow control to XON/XOFF.
Once you've got your serial line set up, you'll be able to use the
Command-Option-O-F key sequence while booting the Performa to access Open
Firmware, after which, all control is passed to the serial port. You can
then stick in the install disk and type: "boot fd:0". After that, it's a
fairly standard NetBSD install.
> I'm pretty new to this, so I apoligize if this is stupid or repetitive to
> the veterans.
Actually, what might be useful to you is to go to and do a search -- I have a 6400/200 and
went through much of this before, eventually getting it to work quite
> Thanks for any help,
> steve wilkinson
Good luck; let us know how it turns out.
Tyler Mitchell
Truth is the most valuable thing we have -- so let us economize it.
-- Mark Twain