Subject: Re(2): Confused about disklabel
To: Henry B. Hotz <>
From: Jojo <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/16/2001 08:15:04
>At 6:27 PM -0600 3/15/01, Philip Brodd wrote:
>>From looking at disklabels from other NetBSD installs, it seems that 'a'
>>is always used with the / partition, 'b' with swap, and 'g' with /usr.
>>Are these hard and fast rules, or just conventions? To configure sd1 as
>Just conventions, providing you can boot and the kernel knows where
>to find /etc/fstab. ;-) In other words using an 'a' partition for
>root is a good idea, but everything else can change.
>I have it on reasonably good authority that you can newfs and mount
>even the 'c' partition. A completely blank disk with no partitioning
>information should be usable as a single big partition inside NetBSD.
>I have not tried this myself.
i can verify that... just added a new drive to my NNetBSD box. what i
find a bit confusing about disklabel it the interactive flag. it asks you
for all the data on your disk which is very nice, but then when you are
finished it keeps asking you for new partitions so wasnt able to finish
this procedure. any suggestions?? am i doing something wrong here??
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