Subject: Preserving Apple partition map (Was: ATA/66 Controllers)
To: Daniel Lamblin <>
From: Cliff Crawford <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/23/2001 22:24:53
* Daniel Lamblin <> menulis:
> I havn't tried NetBSD with it yet, mainly because I think I want to use a
> manual install process, which I havn't figured out yet, to preserve my apple
> partition map. Is that even possible?
Yes--I used Drive Setup under MacOS to create an HFS partition, an A/UX
root partition, A/UX swap, and A/UX usr. Then when I booted from the
NetBSD CD, disklabel showed the A/UX partitions as wd0a, wd0b, and wd0g
respectively. I was then able to newfs them without messing up the
partition map, and then unpack the installation tarballs to them etc.
Cliff Crawford
He who sacrifices his conscience to ambition
burns a picture to obtain the ashes. - Chinese proverb