Subject: Re: Can OF-2.0.x boot at all? (was: Re: dual boot and OF-2.0.1)
To: Emmanuel Dreyfus <>
From: Charlie Allom <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/26/2001 18:15:47
On Sun, Mar 25, 2001 at 08:09:20PM +0200, Emmanuel Dreyfus wrote:
> Currently, the NetBSD partition is labeled HFS in the partition table, I
> wonder if this is a problem.
shouldn't think so?
> Question is: how do I boot NetBSD? As I understood, It's not possible
> yet to boot directly from OF-2.0.4 when you have an Apple partition map.
> Am I right?
hmmm. Not sure there - never done this..
> Then my idea was to use the boot floppy to load the bootloader, and to
> boot the kernel from hard disk: In OF boot with 'boot fd:0 -a' and enter
> 'ata0/disk@0:11' at boot prompt. It does not work. I tried various
> partition numbers, I en up with "device not configured", or the
> bootloader seeks a file on the floppy.
OK I've never had any success at this (nor heard of it) - but I'm
pretty sure you don't need disk@, just the @ will do. My alias
after I patch the nvram is ide0/@0:0
my other env's I usually use are:
boot-device ide0/@0:0
boot-file netbsd
real-base <leave that alone>
load-base f00000 (I can only boot the generic kernel like this -
otherwise it will hang at the magic numbers)
Hmm. Your problem, if any, will have to do with the Apple
partitions no doubt.
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