Subject: Re: Can OF-2.0.x boot at all? (was: Re: dual boot and OF-2.0.1)
To: None <>
From: Izumi Tsutsui <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/26/2001 18:56:46
In <v03130303b6e3fba03fd5@[]> wrote:
> At 8:09 PM +0200 3/25/01, Emmanuel Dreyfus wrote:
> :)Question is: how do I boot NetBSD? As I understood, It's not possible
> :)yet to boot directly from OF-2.0.4 when you have an Apple partition map.
> :)Am I right?
> Correct. OF < 2.4 can *only* load xcoff files from ISO 9660, network,
> MS-DOS, or partition 0.
What does "partition 0" mean? I believe bootxx loads
"raw" ofwboot binary, which is not xcoff.
OF-2.x loads bootxx binary which is addressed
in the Apple partition map.
See macppc/stand/installboot/installboot.c:writeapplepartmap().
Izumi Tsutsui