Subject: Re: [HOWTO] Installing on a recent Mac (DRAFT 1)
To: Charles M. Hannum <>
From: Thomas Klausner <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/27/2001 23:15:58
> After getting NetBSD installed, the first thing I highly recommend is
> punting the version of X included with it and installing XF86 4.
> Unfortunately, AFAIK there's no snapshot, and the patches necessary
> for macppc have not been integrated into our source tree. So you're
> kind of on your own there. If you do build it, you'll find it's a LOT
> faster, and actually supports real screen sizes and depths, though.
There is a snapshot for 1.5, which probably also runs on -current, on in /pub/NetBSD/arch/macppc/X-4.0.1-1.5
Source is plain X-4.0.1 source with tsubai's patch applied (not in
that dir, though).
Thomas Klausner -
The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that,
you've got it made. -- Groucho Marx