Subject: 7600 Installation
To: None <>
From: Juergen Tritthardt <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/30/2001 15:21:44
I had some minor problems installing NetBSD-1.5 on a 7600 with 2GB disk.
1. The size for "/" is not big enough for compiling lyx or kde2 so I
think there should be a hint how big it should be or the sysinst
settings should be changed to use more useful defaults.=20
2. What is a usefull swap space for 64MB or 128MB machines. Are the
sysinst values OK? I don't think so especially for "installation with
X11", if my memory is right it gave me 528MB!
3. Network Settings. I had been asked for "media" and answered with
"10BaseT". Result was that the network (mc0) wasn't working until I
deleted "10BaseT" from ifconfig. The strange thing is that this was OK for
sysinst and I just took the sysinst settings.
4. After booting to singleuser mode I had to do a "mount -A" not
"mount /usr". I don't remeber for the error but vi wasn't able to run
without that.
One generel question: Why is "rc_configured" set to "NO" for macppc and
set to "YES" for i386?=20
J=FCrgen Tritthardt Max-Planck-Institut f=FCr med. Forschung
Tel. 06221/486279 Abt. Biomedizinische Optik
Fax. 06221/486225 Jahnstr. 29, 69120 Heidelberg