, <port-macppc@netbsd.org>
From: russm <russm@webtime.com.au>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/04/2001 18:27:25
> russm> Unfortunately this appears to break NetBSD on these
> russm> machines.
>Sigh, is there a way back (to a working firmware version)?
No idea - although I'd _really_ like to have NetBSD on it, I prefer the =
improved performance the new firmware gives me in firewire target disk =
There's a 2.7 firmware available for firewire equipped powerbooks on asu.=
info.apple.com that looks to support all the same machines as the 4.1.8 =
installer does apart from the Ti powerbook. You might want to give it a =
shot, although I wouldn't recommend it. And I don't really expect the =
installer to run on your machine either.
>At the moment my tibook is completely 'broken' because it no longer
>activates the display after booting!? Even Command-Option-P-R doesn't
>change this misbehavior. (Also an 4.1.8 firmware upgrade effect?)
>Anything I can do here?
Is this even when trying to boot MacOS? From a CD? Even the hardware test =
This could be your out - if the machine seems dead take it back for =
service. Depending on Apple's service policy in your part of the world it =
may have to be processed as a whole-unit replacement, in which case you _=
may_ get a new unit in return.
Along that line, the install docs mention that setting load-base (or is it =
real-base) on OF3 machines will ruin them requiring a return to Apple. If =
you really _really_ can't wait for these machines to become properly =
supported you could kill the 'book that way and try to get it replaced =
under warranty. But I never told you that. Much less recommended it.
> russm> The 3 kernels I've tried (netbsd.titanium.gz, and
> russm> netbsd.ram.gz/netbsd.GENERIC.gz from the 20010323 snapshot)
> russm> all fail slightly differently early in the boot, which iirc
> russm> they didn't before I flashed my machine.
>Hmm, I was too impatient with my existing firmware, I guess.
>But, as I read, you upgraded your tibook firmware to 4.1.8, too!? ->
>What are you going to do about that?
Offer what assistance I can in fixing this broken-ness.
> russm> I can't offer to fix this, but if there's anything I can do
> russm> to help troubleshoot i'd be more than happy to. I also have
> russm> intermittant access to factory fresh laptops before they
> russm> get flashed if that helps.
>What is the 'right' firmware for a tibook? And how/where to get it?
If you want to run MacOS, it's 4.1.8 and you get it from asu.info.apple.=
If you want to run NetBSD, it appears to be the version that comes =
installed from Apple, and you get it pre-installed. :)