Subject: Re: request for help: XFree86 4.0.1 + Wallstreet + NetBSD 1.5*
To: Charlie Allom <>
From: Chris Tribo <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/06/2001 12:12:11
There was a message posted last week about this. According to
Tsubai it's because the Mach_64 based ATI cards (which is what a large
majority of PowerMac's before the B&W G3 use) aren't supported in XFree 4
because they don't have VGA Video BIOS (what Peecee's use to setup
video instead of OpenFirmware). That being the case, you're SOL until
someone individually hacks the timing paramaters and addresses for each
individual revision of the Mach 64 on macppc machines; and there are
probably a dozen. Tsubai is the authority on XF for macppc...