Subject: X packages (finally) in snapshot
To: None <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/06/2001 17:07:54
So, the X packages built without complaint (which, at this point,
makes me a bit suspicious ;^>).
I'm untarring (I built them with DESTDIR, just to be safe) them on
my machine running 1.5S right now, but I don't anticipate problems.
The new packages are all at:
... and are now included in the snapshot tarball at:
I trust the X packages will make an appearance on
soon, Bob?
Sorry for the long wait folks, let *ME* know (in addition to the
list) if you have problems; I can probably fix them.
Also, please email me privately with specific kernel build requests
and such if you still need them. (Titanium G4 laptops, etcetera.)
~ g r @