Subject: scrubbing old snapshots?
To: None <>
From: Todd Whitesel <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/09/2001 03:13:18
With the release coming up, we've been asked by a mirror site to clean up
old snapshots.
> du -s -k macppc/snapshot/*
46504 macppc/snapshot/19990620
55844 macppc/snapshot/20000606
61446 macppc/snapshot/20000620-1.5
42704 macppc/snapshot/20001010
2 macppc/snapshot/20001010-README
62404 macppc/snapshot/20001125
66784 macppc/snapshot/20010323
2 macppc/snapshot/20010323-README
51254 macppc/snapshot/20010324-1.4.3A
Anyone feel confident enough to finger a few of these for deletion?
In particular, has _anyone_ found a use for the 1.4.3A snap yet ??
It's what my iMac is running because it can't boot 1.5 due to USB
Todd Whitesel
toddpw @