Subject: Re: OFW 3.x and "boot.fs"
To: None <>
From: Andrew White <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/10/2001 16:47:47
Chris Tribo wrote:
> on 3/24/01 6:04 PM, Bill Studenmund at wrote something
> like:
> <snip of USB/OHCI stuff>
> And in reality, OFW 3.x users *shouldn't* be booting boot.fs anyway.
> As to why they continue doing this with a nearly weekly frequency, and
> then posting on port-macppc that their keyboards don't work after
> booting, is beyond me. Do we need a 255 point font banner that says this
> is for machines with built-in floppies only, maybe put a banner at boot
> in the kernel "There is no USB support in this kernel, use netbsd.RAM.gz
> instead"?
Before you complain too strongly about this, let me tell you about the CD
distro I have, which claims to be an "Official" 1.5 distro.
On both an AGP G4 and a Cube:
If I copy /ofwboot.xcf and /macppc/installation/boot.fs to an HFS+ drive
(say the first one, partition 9), I can then bootstrap fine.
0 > boot hd:9,ofwboot.xcf hd:9,boot.fs
Trying to bootstrap using /macppc/installation/netbsd.ram.gz, /netbsd.macppc
or /macppc/binary/kernel/netbsd.GENERIC.gz results in all sorts of bootstrap
errors, gzipped or not. I CAN bootstrap an ustuffed and untar-ed netbsd
kernel directly (from /macppc/binary/kernel/sets/kern.tgz) but THEN I get
keyboard errors. Certain arcane combinations of ofwboot.{xcf,elf} and the
above files might work, but I never figured out which combo it was.
I don't recall anything on the CD directly telling me how to bootstrap. The
install instructions are good for telling you how to get to OF 3.x but don't
help much thereafter, particularly not to build dual boot. I had to figure
it out by guesswork and asking the list.
Andrew White