Subject: System disk problems
To: None <>
From: todd marek <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/17/2001 07:36:50
I'm new to the list and Unix in general. I've been trying to install onto a
Starmax 3000/200 and having a difficult time getting into Open Firmware.
I've upgraded the Mac OS to 8.5 in order to use system disk as per the
tutorial's directions, but when I start to run system disk I get the
following message.
Mac OsX Server is currently unsupported on this machine. The System Disk
control panel will have no effect.
As an experiment I opened it anyway, filled in all the necessary fields and
then found that I couldn't save the changes. A quick attempt at rebooting
brought me right back into Mac OS.
Just wondering if anyone else had any tips that might help or has
experienced anything similar.
Todd Marek