Subject: Re: bootable iso image
To: None <>
From: Michael Wolfson <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/22/2001 20:58:59
At 11:43 PM -0400 4/22/01, wrote:
:)> What type of CD is it? Pure ISO9660 or hybrid HFS/ISO?
:)Well at first I looked at the iso CD images at Iowa State
:) where they have bootable ISOs
:)that support multible architectures. There the READMEs said that the
:)OF2.x was bootable and supported.
:)The readme file at the NetBSD site says, "The following architectures
:)_do_ have bootable CD images: alpha, i386, macppc, pmax, sparc, vax."
Actually, I was referring to the installation notes and the FAQ. I, being
a documenter, have no control over what snapshots people make and the
README files they put with them.
Of course, life would be simpler if the snapshot makers and the documenters
communicated better about what was available, but when releases happen,
some things like this just end up falling through the cracks. Also 1.5 was
the first release that there were CD-ROM images for macppc.
:)As I believe most current Macs can read ISO images,
:)how would I tell?
If you insert it into a MacOS system, select the CD-R icon, and pick "Get
Info" from the "File" menu, it'll have a "Format" line listing "MacOS" (for
HFS or hybrid -- MacOS doesn't mount the ISO portion of a hybrid disk) or
as "ISO 9660".
:)Is there a useable ISO available? Should I download
:)the one that the Iowa state says is specifically OFW2 bootable? Is
:)there a separate pure ISO9660 iso image site with no hybrids?
I don't know. You could always just make a bootable floppy and get the
binary distribution sets off the CD-ROM. NetBSD doesn't care that it's
hybrid, only Open Firmware.
Good luck,
-- MW