Subject: Re: bootable iso image
To: None <>
From: Michael Wolfson <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/24/2001 21:47:35
At 8:04 PM -0400 4/23/01, wrote:
:)First, thanks for undertaking the documentation.
No prob. The way I figure it, the more people that can install and use
NetBSD/macppc, the more people there are that will work on improving it.
:)Also, when I have problems, they have more to do with the variations
:)in hardware than failures in documentation.
One could argue that that is a failure of documentation that these
variations in hardware aren't adequately described.
:)well according to the get info, info its format is "MacOS Standard",
:)which may explain my inability to do anything with it, including
:)mounting it from the floppy.
Hmmm, you definitely shouldn't be able to boot from a hybrid disk (AFAICT),
but if you can't even mount it from a floppy it might be a pure HFS disk,
and not hybrid (i.e. lacking the ISO partitions).
Try (from the boot floppy) running 'disklabel cd0' to see what the
partitions are. Perhaps the ISO partition isn't the one that you're trying
to mount. Remember, NetBSD doesn't natively support HFS filesystems.
:)Should a "MacOS Standard disk be
:)creatable as an iso, and useable for installation? Is there something
:)wrong with the software I used on the PC to make the disk?
I'm not sure I understand the first question, but there is probably nothing
wrong with your CD-burning software. If you take the contents of your CD-R
and create a pure ISO9660 format disk with those contents (e.g. create a
new disk using Toast), that new disk will be bootable on your machine.
:)So perhaps
:)the NetBSD ftp site is simply putting out the wrong image type
No, it's probably that whoever made the disk image was only thinking of OF
3 machines, which *require* hybrid CD-ROMs to be bootable.
:)Is there a searchable archive of the list available?
The search-engine isn't the greatest, but it can sometimes dig up what you
Good luck,
-- MW