Subject: Re: bootable iso image
To: port-macppc mailing list <>
From: None <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/27/2001 22:16:19
The weekend starts and I resume trying to install NetBSD on my
PowerMacintosh 6500.
On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 09:47:35PM -0700, Michael Wolfson wrote:
> At 8:04 PM -0400 4/23/01, wrote:
> Try (from the boot floppy) running 'disklabel cd0' to see what the
> partitions are. Perhaps the ISO partition isn't the one that you're trying
> to mount. Remember, NetBSD doesn't natively support HFS filesystems.
I followed this advice and then found I could install using the
CD. The defaults are good if I choose to install by the cdrom
method. I still have no idea why I had problems installing over a
network. It made no difference if I used the ISO image from the NetBSD
site or from Iowa. Neither CD is actually bootable, both will work as
a data source for the sysinst program.
Now for the new problems:
I run the install - I tried with both CDs that I now have - and the
install runs fine. When I try to boot it hangs after acting like it is
going to work. It starts to boot but can't complete. I strongly
suspect I'm violating some configuration requirement in my disk
0 > boot ata/ata-disk@0:0
>> NetBSD/macppc OpenFirmware Boot, Revision 1.2
>> (matt@duel.local, Thu Nov 16 17:26:57 PST 2000)
2001124+237436 [100+105392|
Josh Kuperman