Subject: Re: Opera 5.0 for Linux (fwd)
To: Brian Hechinger <>
From: Jason R. Fink <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 05/16/2001 20:33:36
> > Maybe someone wants to have a look on getting this going on NetBSD/sparc
I will give it a go, I am cleaning up my ss5 now, i am not clear what
i will have to do but am guessing getting it to find the emul libs is
the name of the game. i also have kde 1.1.2 with qt-1.44 on my ss5.
> if you're with me, send me an email, i'm going to collect as many emails as i
> can and send them as one huge batch.
I *was* a paying customer but have no records of it, I suppose they
do - does that still count? If so I will gladly send something to the
effect of a petition.