Subject: Re: GCC>3.0 NetBSD/PPC support
To: Andrew Cagney <>
From: David Edelsohn <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/09/2001 12:10:10
>>>>> Andrew Cagney writes:
Andrew> Unless somone screams I'm going to try to get the attached merged into
Andrew> the GCC>3.0 tree. It adds what appears to be working NetBSD/PowerPC
Andrew> support. The C compiler certainly works, G++ and F77 don't badly fail,
Andrew> not sure about exceptions, ...
Andrew> For reference, the port in the NetBSD tree looks nothing like this.
Andrew> A few of those long in the tooth should appreciate the irony in me doing
Andrew> this GCC port :-)
I think it would be useful if you would coordinate this patch with
David O'Brien of the FreeBSD project who needs something similar for
FreeBSD/PPC support in GCC 3.0.