Subject: Re: DiskCopy to make NetBSD Disks
To: NetBSD macppc <>
From: caportel <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/10/2001 01:54:26
O.K., O.K., I was at my work...
With Mac OS 8 and 8.1 even the most recent Disk Copy didn't work at all.
With Mac OS 8.5 also didn't work, but if you change the type/creator of the
image (boot.fs) to ddsk/rohd, you can make the floppy. I hope it will work
with 8.6, not tried yet.
With System 9.x works fine, you don't have to change nothing. Needless to
say, you can't mount them anyway.
My machine is a beige G3 233 Rev. A with Open Firmware 2.1f. I hope this
will be useful...
Carlos Portela
P.S.: I use dd to make a image from a HFS floppy in NetBSD and this image
mounted on Disk Copy. Yes, I can have my few Mac floppies mounted on newer
Macs ;-)
on 7/9/01 12:50 PM, Michael Wolfson at wrote:
> It can wait, but I can't believe there's *nobody* else out here on the list
> that has a few minutes to try it out. Please? I need verification before
> I write this up.
> -- MW