Subject: Tell me again why we want floppy images?
To: None <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/17/2001 11:42:35
I just formatted a 1.44MB floppy as MS-DOS and copied ofwboot.xcf and
netbsd.ram.gz onto it. I renamed the latter to netbsd.gz.
It boots on an OF 1.0.5 machine with
boot fd:1,ofwboot.xcf netbsd.gz
No DiskCopy, no SunTar, no nothing, straight into the installer.
Obviously ofwboot got a little smarter somewhere along the line.
Cross my heart, strike me dead, stick a lobster on my head.
John Crichton -- Farscape, 6/15/01, or