Subject: Re: Tell me again why we want floppy images?
To: NetBSD macppc <>
From: caportel <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/19/2001 01:59:21
on 7/18/01 5:09 PM, Bill Studenmund at wrote:
>> Ok... I tried on my beige G3 Rev. A and did not work. I got the
>> "unrecognized Client program formatstate not valid" error and the "CLAIM
>> failed" error.
> You have to try it twice. There's a big in the OFW driver and the floppy
> always fails the first time.
> Take care,
> Bill
I tried several times - even restarting OF to cleaning things - and got an
error. The boot.fs image seems to be the only way to boot the installer on
this machine (I always do it twice), since I've never got a working boot
directly from the CD.
Carlos Portela