, NetBSD macppc <port-macppc@netbsd.org>
From: Donald Lee <donlee@icompute.com>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/20/2001 08:56:48
At 3:49 AM -0500 7/20/01, caportel wrote:
>on 7/20/01 1:53 AM, Donald Lee at donlee_ppc@icompute.com wrote:
>> The best I can do is a complete load from ofwboot.xcf (load of
>> text, data, bss - clearing text, data, bss, and then CLAIM FAILED)
>> All three boot methods do this. They get most of the way through
>> loading ofwboot.xcf, and then they fail with CLAIM FAILED.
>> CD, floppy, and netboot all behave about the same, except that the CD
>> seems to require part 2, and UPPER CASE:
>> boot ide1/disk:2,\OFWBOOT.XCF
>> but it does the CLAIM FAILED too.
>> BTW - I like the DOS floppy setup. That was really easy to set up.
>> Too bad it does not work. Note: the floppy driver DOES appear to
>> load the software from the floppy.
>I don't know if this could work on your machine, but yesterday I was playing
>around with my Beige G3's OF - 2.0f1 - and discovered it can boot from the
>NetBSD CD not directly on OF (that's what I always tried), but on the
>environment this way:
>setenv boot-device ide1/disk@0:0,ofwboot.xcf
>setenv boot-file netbsd.macppc
>After the reboot I got Sysinst in a few seconds.
>So evident. I really must spend more time with NetBSD...
>About floppies, the boot.fs image works fine for me with:
>boot fd:0
>Carlos Portela
When I put an OF 2.0f1 ROM in this box, I have no trouble booting it.
The OF 2.4 ROM is my puzzle.