Subject: RE: pcmcia/cardbus support
To: None <>
From: Greg Kritsch <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/26/2001 19:08:57
My attempts to execute simple "AT" commands result in utter silence from the
modem. I suppose that could be flow control lines, but somehow I doubt it.
Of course, I'm blindly assuming the modem is "Hayes compatible".
I understand there is an interrupt latency issue which relates to ppp.
People should not assume that this explains all network and serial port
problems. As I understand it, the problem is with soft interrupt delivery.
This does not affect "normal" usage, it ONLY affects kernel implemented ppp.
Has anyone tried running a userland ppp implementation?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Henry B. Hotz []
> Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 6:57 PM
> To:; Greg Kritsch
> Cc: ''
> Subject: Re: pcmcia/cardbus support
> At 9:21 AM -0700 7/26/01, Michael Wolfson wrote:
> >At 12:00 PM -0400 7/26/01, Greg Kritsch wrote:
> >:)How about the internal modems on the G4 PowerMacs? I have
> an (AGP graphics)
> >:)and a (digital audio), and I'd love to be able to use the
> modems. Does
> >:)anyone have any idea what the problem is even?
> >
> >Got me. Anyone else?
> Bill Studenmund reported once ages and ages ago that he could access
> the serial port used by the modem inside OF. Someone sells an
> adapter that replaces the modem card with a mini-DIN-8 Mac serial
> connector.
> More recent scuttlebut on this list is that serial ports don't work
> right on macppc. I believe the problem is how the handshaking/status
> lines are handled rather than "ordinary" data transfer.
> Cross my heart, strike me dead, stick a lobster on my head.
> John Crichton -- Farscape, 6/15/01
>, or