Subject: RE: pcmcia/cardbus support
To: 'Henry B. Hotz' <>
From: Greg Kritsch <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/26/2001 21:21:27
> At 7:08 PM -0400 7/26/01, Greg Kritsch wrote:
> >I understand there is an interrupt latency issue which
> relates to ppp.
> >People should not assume that this explains all network and
> serial port
> >problems. As I understand it, the problem is with soft
> interrupt delivery.
> >This does not affect "normal" usage, it ONLY affects kernel
> implemented ppp.
> >Has anyone tried running a userland ppp implementation?
> Would that "solve" the problem? Wouldn't you just see the same
> thing, plus some additional delays?
I have no idea, and my two G4s don't have anything I can run ppp on, so I
can't try it. I suspect, from what I recall reading about the problem, that
it would change the problem behaviour at least, possibly solving it. The
tun pseudo-interface would post the soft interrupt from outside any other
interrupt handler.
> In any case do you know if the problem is macppc-specific, or would
> port-i386 see the same thing? I have a modem on a 1.4.1 PC and am
> seeing funny ping times. Nothing for seconds and then a whole flood
> of responses. I suspect NetBSD because I get the same behavior with
> several ISPs. Will 1.5.1 make the problem go away?
Again, based on what I read about it here, it seemed to be a powerpc
specific problem.
I only mentioned anything at all because it seems many people are blaming
that problem for everything serial port related, and from what I read, it's
limited to affecting ppp because of the soft interrupt used for networking.
The hard interrupt for the serial ports should be working just fine.
> Cross my heart, strike me dead, stick a lobster on my head.
> John Crichton -- Farscape, 6/15/01
>, or