Subject: naive question
To: None <>
From: Pedro Alves <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/30/2001 13:26:16
I'm trying to install NetBSD in an PowerBook 3400c, OF 2.0.1
I don't have any CD burner that allows me to do an ISO9660 CD, with
current NETBSD image.
However, when reading the installations instructions manual, I saw
that OF 2.0.1 can be installed from "Partition zero", and later in
the text I read that I can boot form a ZIP drive.
Since I have a ZIP drive in my media bay, can I boot from it? Second
question, how it works the partition zero? What kind the formation
mush have the ZIP? What is the method to install correctly the
necessary files of NETBSD to have a sucess?
Sorry for all the naive questions but, I'm not expert in Linux, or
BSD. I just an experient MAC OS user.
Best regards to all
________ end of e-mail __________
Pedro Alves - PhD Student
Institut Gustave Roussy, PR1
39, Rue Camille Desmoulins
94805 Villejuif
tel: + 33 1 42114921
fax: + 33 1 42115288