Subject: specs for G4 internal modem?
To: None <>
From: Derek Peschel <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/17/2001 12:50:03
Like a bunch of other people, I haven't been able to use my internal modem.
(I have a G4 tower, the AGP version.) I checked the list archives, so the
permissions for /dev/tty0[01] are set correctly (I think) and getty has been
turned off as well. No reaction from cu or tip. In fact they will
sometimes hog the console, so that I need to hit the restart button.
(Using ~^Z and kill is apparently not a good idea.)
I'm still using 1.5... would upgrading help?
Apple's overview of my machine says that the KeyLargo ASIC provides a
traditional serial port that interfaces with the modem.
then "Apple hardware developer documentation" gets you to
then "Current hardware products" / "PowerMac G4"
then "Architecture" / "Block diagram and busses"
or "Architecture" / "KeyLargo I/O Controller"
or "Input and Output Devices" / "Internal modem"
Unfortunately there isn't much detail there. I haven't determined yet how
much the kernel knows about KeyLargo. Assuming we need documentation from
Apple, how do we get it? I thought there was an ongoing process but I don't
know the details.
-- Derek