Subject: NetBSD 1.5.2 boot problem
To: NetBSD <>
From: Bert Saenen <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/18/2001 23:29:53
Hi all,
First of all, this is the configuration I'm working with:
Beige G3 desktop (rev. A, OF 2.0f), 233Mhz, 128Mb ram, one internal 4Gb SCSI
hard disk and one internal 4Gb ide/ATA hard disk. The SCSI hard disk is
dedicated to MacOS 9.1, it is also the MacOS boot disk. The ide disk has a
1Gb HFS+ partition and a 1Gb MS-Dos partition, the rest are NetBSD
I've been able to run netinst (booting from floppy) and extract the sets
(NetBSD 1.5.1) from the MS-Dos partition to the NetBSD partitions.
Now the problem:
Simply put: I can't boot NetBSD. I've been reading the boot-FAQ but I don't
understand it very well (I'm new to NetBSD, Unix and OF...) As I'm using
the ide disk for both MacOS and NetBSD the "partition zero" option is not
possible. Ethernet and ISO9660 are not available to me and HFS(+) won't
work because of OF2.0.f (it requires OF 2.4 or 3). This leaves me with the
floppy and ms-dos options. According to the FAQ I can put ofwboot.xcf on a
ms-dos formated disk and use it to boot: it didn't work. I got a timeout
message. The other possibillity mentioned in the FAQ was to put both bootxx
and ofwboot.xcf on a floppy to boot NetBSD. Here it wasn't clear to me how
to do it. I couldn't find a file with the name bootxx. So I used Suntar to
put ofwboot.xcf on a floppy the same way I did to create a floppy with
boot.fs during the install procedure. However this floppy couldn't boot
I think the floppy with both bootxx and ofwboot.xcf on it is the best option
available to me (is this correct?). Can somebody explain me how I can
create such a floppy and tell me what boot command I should use in OF?
Bert Saenen