Subject: Re: Bootstrapping a 6400?
To: Geoffrey C Kinnel <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/25/2001 02:41:22
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On Mon, Sep 24, 2001 at 03:11:00PM -0400, Geoffrey C Kinnel wrote:
> Oooops. The 6400 apparently has an IDE interface, not SCSI. Sorry I
> missed that. The install doc says the following commands will work for
> booting from CD on IDE. Again, you may have to s/RAM/MAC/ in the
> kernel name.
Huh? No it doesn't, at least, not if my memory serves. The 6400 was
an education version of the home 6500, no? If so, then it's got an
IDE hard drive but SCSI CD-ROM and (if it's there, which it's
probably not) zip drive.
All these ways to boot from the CD might work. But booting from
the floppy has always worked for me (well, except on a 7300 with
a really pesky combination OF 1.0.5 and video firmware). It's the
most reliable boot device I've used on macppcs. (Too bad we don't
have a swim3 driver so we could use the damn thing *after* booting...)
That CD-ROM you burned isn't totally useless. Drop it in another
machine, NFS share it, and install via NFS.
~ g r @
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