Subject: Re: tibook -current gives "panic: cnopen: ..."
To: Jens Schmalzing <>
From: Markus W Kilbinger <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/27/2001 22:09:39
>>>>> "Jens" == Jens Schmalzing <> writes:
>> Using the 20010801 snapshot, i get the following error on boot:
>> panic: cnopen: cn_tab->cn_dev == NODEV
>> This is a TiBook G4 500MHz with 512MB RAM and 4.1.8f5 OF.
>> Any ideas?
Jens> I have the same problem with a Pismo and the same Boot Rom
Jens> (it's not OF, there is no OF 4) version. The problem is
Jens> fixed in -current, unfortunately I don't have the disk space
Jens> to cross-compile an installation kernel on one of my other
Jens> NetBSD boxes. Seems I will just have to wait for the next
Jens> snapshot, at least I'm not the only one ...
If it helps (and you are not addicted to an inst kernel) you can use
my tibook kernel of todays -current: