Subject: Re: Change Color of Terminal
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/29/2001 19:50:11
>> When you boot NetBSD, the background color is white and the text is
>> black. Is there any way to change this on the mac68k and macppc
>> ports?
> It's a Mac. Why would you want to be like DOS or, even worse, a dumb
> terminal?
Because that's one thing DOS and dumb terminals got right. (Though
that is admittedly just as much opinion as your tira^Wmessage is.)
Black on white is fine for reflective technologies like paper. But -
at least as far as I'm concerned - it sucks bigtime for emissive
technologies like CRTs. (LCD panels vary. If they are purely
reflective, using ambient light, W-on-B is fine. But if they're
backlit and thus effectively emissive, I require B-on-W for more than
brief use.)
> Black text on a white background is better than what you suggest
Neither is out-and-out better than the other. Each is better for
certain <user,environment> pairs. (In some environments, even I use
reverse video; a weak CRT in high-ambient-light conditions can
sometimes be readable in reverse but not in forward video.)
> since I have tried white on black when using MacSSH to ssh into my
> NetBSD IIci and Q800.
You've tried it, so it's better? I fail to see the connection.
> This is just my opinion though.
There are probably escape sequences that will switch between forward
and reverse video, depending on what code you're using. (eg, callbacks
to OF, wscons, rcons, etc. Personally, I know comparatively little
about it; I have similar problems with Suns with console on bwtwo, a
situation I keep meaning to deal with and never do, because the only
such I use regularly I run X on almost all the time.)
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