Subject: Re: root device - partition - booting
To: None <>
From: Hans Van Nes Allen Woodriff <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/03/2001 21:29:41
I have read the INSTALL.html. Perhaps I did not get it all.
I created my own boot cd using Toast on the Mac.
I included the following files:
(This is after I read the comment #1 on the netbsd list)
I rebooted into Open Firmware.
I typed:
boot cd:,ofwboot.xcf netbsd.macppc
For 3 seconds it began to boot, but then failed and gave me
the prompt...
I typed in netbsd
I typed in netbsd.macppc
Still nothing. It showed the computer was looking on my
media bays...soemthing something...but could not find the
file I was specifying.
This makes me think it was looking on my harddrive.
My only question is:
On the cd I created I have the files I mentioned above.
When I try to get it to boot netbsd with the command:
boot cd:,ofwboot.xcf netbsd.macppc
I wonder if I'm just not calling the file properly. The
file isn't called netbsd.macppc, it's called macppccd.iso
Still stumped. I really appreciate your advice. I'm going
to try everthing you mention.