Subject: Re: New X diffs
To: Charles M. Hannum <>
From: Nathan J. Williams <nathanw@MIT.EDU>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/06/2001 22:59:29
nathanw@MIT.EDU (Nathan J. Williams) writes:
> Okay, I was able to fix this by adding the following lines to
> XF86Config:
> Option "PanelWidth" "1024"
> Option "PanelHeight" "768"
> 4.1.0 now runs fine.
Unfortunately, I have to modify this statement; I've found a way in
which it doesn't work. Cold-booting and running the 4.1.0 server
doesn't hang, but displays oddly, with a wobbly vertical band in the
middle of the screen, and some mirroring of the middle onto the left,
and other sorts of misposition and flickering glitches.
Running the 4.0.1 server, exiting, and then running the 4.1.0 server
works. I suppose there are some LCD-configuration registers that the
4.0.1 server is setting and the 4.1.0 server needs.
As you said before, `my head hurts'.
- Nathan