Subject: Re: How to upgrade to 1.5.2
To: Donald Lee <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/08/2001 13:57:25
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On Sun, Oct 07, 2001 at 12:44:23PM -0500, Donald Lee wrote:
> 1. "live" update:
I do this pretty regularly. I've never had a problem.
> Unpack tarballs right on top of the running system, and then
> reboot.
Ideally, build and reboot with a new kernel first.
What Manuel suggests, rebooting after installing the new userland,
is probably ideal, but maybe not absolutely necessary. (It just
means that you may have some binaries that are still running from
the old world's code, but this probably won't cause problems. It'd
be a good idea to restart long-running daemons like Apache and sshd,
> Risks: Does this work reliably, correctly? Will I have running
> executables that don't get updated this way?
It's always worked for me, but it's pretty definitely not
> Other gotchas?
Like Manuel said, don't unpack etc.tgz. Also, you will definitely
want to merge the new rc system into your existing /etc (not doing
so will lead to weird control issues, especially if you keep
updating this way in the future), and you'll probably want to
replace the daily/weekly/monthly scripts.
Also, make sure that you either use pax -pe to unpack the tarballs
or tar xpzf. (pax -pe is probably to be preferred.)
> 2. sysinst update:
> Risks: Much longer downtime. I also don't know exactly what
> this does. Does it mess with /etc, for instance?
Only if you tell it to unpack etc.tgz. Don't. (I *think* sysinst's
upgrade preserves your old /etc, but I'm not sure of that.)
The only real difference between what it does and what you might do
is that it uses pax.
> 3. other ways???
cd /usr
rm -rf src
cvs -d checkout -rnetbsd-1-5 src
cd src
make build
Hope this helps...
~ g r @
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