Subject: Re: How to upgrade to 1.5.2
To: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/08/2001 17:26:39
At 1:57 PM -0400 10/8/01, gabriel rosenkoetter wrote:
>On Sun, Oct 07, 2001 at 12:44:23PM -0500, Donald Lee wrote:
> > Other gotchas?
>Like Manuel said, don't unpack etc.tgz. Also, you will definitely
>want to merge the new rc system into your existing /etc (not doing
>so will lead to weird control issues, especially if you keep
>updating this way in the future), and you'll probably want to
>replace the daily/weekly/monthly scripts.
>Also, make sure that you either use pax -pe to unpack the tarballs
>or tar xpzf. (pax -pe is probably to be preferred.)
>> 2. sysinst update:
>> Risks: Much longer downtime. I also don't know exactly what
>> this does. Does it mess with /etc, for instance?
>Only if you tell it to unpack etc.tgz. Don't. (I *think* sysinst's
>upgrade preserves your old /etc, but I'm not sure of that.)
>The only real difference between what it does and what you might do
>is that it uses pax.
Don't you need tar --unlink in order to make it delete the old files
instead of overwriting them in place? I know there was a post to
this effect a couple of years ago.
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