Subject: DHCP (Re: Powerbook G3 (3500) Installed Cannot Boot)
To: S Lafredo <>
From: Makoto Fujiwara <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/14/2001 14:13:19
S Lafredo> BTW, I am now up and running and have to find out how to find out the
S Lafredo> DHCP address assigned to the machine by the router? Any ideas?
To enable the dhcp client, you may say
dhclient mc0
etc where mc0 is the name of the interface to connect with.
I don't believe you are expecting above topics. If you
wanted to know the assigned address at the client, just
ifconfig -a
to see all interfaces or
ifconfig mc0
(etc) to know the ip address for mc0 interface.
Makoto Fujiwara