Subject: Re: Some Help Debugging lpd with MacOS 9 printing.
To: Henry B. Hotz <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/26/2001 13:19:00
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On Fri, Oct 26, 2001 at 09:55:28AM -0700, Henry B. Hotz wrote:
> In my case I have a printer connected directly to a NetBSD machine.=20
> I didn't want to pay the extra $200 for a network interface. (That's=20
> what the NetBSD PC cost a couple of years ago.) Since MacOS 9 is=20
> supposed to support the lpr protocol and NetBSD likewise it seemed=20
> natural to try to make them talk that way. Why install an extra=20
> package (that was pretty recalcitrant under Solaris the last time I=20
> used it)?
I recall having to specially install some software from Apple to
make Mac OS 9 actually deal with lpr printers properly. Did you do
something like this? Do you know that the version of Mac OS 9 you've
got already includes this?
> What I discovered when I tried the lpr approach was that lpd hangs up=20
> the connection before anything happens. How do I dump the pitiful=20
> little data that is exchanged -- or otherwise debug what happens?=20
> In fact maybe I should compile lpd with debugging on and run it from=20
> gdb. I'm going to need to look at the lpr protocol sometime, I=20
> suspect.
~ g r @
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