Subject: Re: Problems with c600
To: J. P. Schaaf <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/30/2001 16:56:31
At 1:40 PM -0800 10/30/01, J. P. Schaaf wrote:
>scsi /bandit/ohare/mesh
>scsi-int /bandit/ohare/mesh
>I am a bit confused- my machine only has one SCSI bus-
>but scsi and scsi-int are listed. Does this mean
Since they point the same place, no. Probably just keeping
compatability with other OF implementations.
>At any rate, I then typed
>" dev scsi
Ooo. Cool! Is this how you get a real device listing inside OF?
Sorry I couldn't give any real help.
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